Women Like Me Stories & Business
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Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a curious mind, or simply seeking motivation and inspiration, this podcast is a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance. Gain practical tips, innovative strategies, and actionable advice that you can apply to your own life and business endeavors.
Julie Fairhurst's passion for storytelling, combined with her extensive experience in the business world, makes "Women Like Me Stories & Business" a must-listen podcast for anyone craving insight, motivation, and a newfound sense of purpose.
So, grab your headphones, tune in, and prepare to be captivated by the stories of success, resilience, and growth that await you.
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Women Like Me Stories & Business
Resilience and Creativity: Embracing Life's Challenges with Patters
Join us for an inspiring conversation with the remarkable author Patters, who shares her moving journey of resilience and creativity. Her heartfelt story, "Passion, Heaven Sent," featured in the book "When Life Breaks You Open: Moments that Change Everything," is a testament to her strength and determination.
Patters bravely opens up about navigating life with spina bifida, enduring numerous surgeries, and the emotional transition to using a wheelchair full-time. Central to her story is the profound bond with her mother, a relationship that provided unwavering support through life's challenges and remains a cherished source of strength.
Listen as we explore the therapeutic power of art and writing in Patter's life. During a period of grief, she rediscovered her passion for art, which blossomed into a personal business, reaching admirers as far as New York.
Her journey underscores the healing potential of creative expression and the importance of sharing personal stories. Patters encourages others to embrace their narratives, highlighting writing's transformative ability to inspire those facing similar challenges. This conversation promises to uplift and motivate listeners to find their own voices and creative outlets.
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Who is Julie Fairhurst?
Julie Fairhurst – Speaker, Author, and Founder of Women Like Me
Julie Fairhurst is a champion for women’s empowerment and the founder of the Women Like Me Book Program. Since 2019, she has published 30 books and 300+ true-life stories—at no cost to the writers—giving women a platform to heal, inspire, and reclaim their power. Dedicated to breaking generational trauma one story at a time, Julie’s mission is to uplift women emotionally and financially, helping them create better lives for themselves and their families.
Well, hello everyone and welcome to Women Like Me, stories and Business. I'm your host, julie Fairhurst, and I am here with an exciting new author that we have in our Women Like Me community Patters chapter book. And the chapter books are the ones where the authors write a chapter of their story and the book is called when Life Breaks you Open Moments that Change Everything. It is a spectacular book. If you haven't read any of the stories yet, you will want to get this book. It really great stories and Pater's story is Passion, heaven Sent. That is is the title, and I think you can find her on page 55, if I'm not mistaken, of the book. So make sure you get out there and pick up the book if you haven't yet. And, patters, thank you so much for being here well.
Speaker 2:Thank you very much for having me here today. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to share my story with you.
Speaker 1:Know, other women oh well, I appreciate you being willing to do it. Can you tell us how was it for you to write your story?
Speaker 2:Initially I wasn't really sure what I was going to write, to be honest, um. But uh, then you gave me some suggestions and I just ran with it. I started, I put the the pen to paper and I just ran with it.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, whatever came to paper well there and there are some emotional parts to your story and a lot of times women, when they're going to write their, their personal stories, they're worried about about, you know, stuff coming up from the past and those kinds of things. Did you experience that at all and if you did, how did you press on?
Speaker 2:I actually did. A lot of it was very emotional, a lot of it was because I was grieving, um, and it just brought back a lot. So, um, I just, you know, took time, uh, I stepped away and then I, I just went right back to it. Um, you know, I took that that time for myself it.
Speaker 1:Um, you know, I took that that time for myself. Um, that's that, and I think that's you hit the nail on the head. That's what you need to do is step away from it and then, when you're feeling like carrying on, and you sort of get right back to it yes, exactly good. So you were born with a disability do you want to tell? Us a little bit about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was born with spina bifida. It's a neural tube defect. It happens within the first four weeks of pregnancy, and so when I was young I had many surgeries and I went from walking, you know, with canes, two canes, and then I advanced to crutches and then later on in life, unfortunately, I was falling a lot. So then I went and started using the wheelchair full time, just yeah, just to prevent, you know, any broken bones.
Speaker 1:Oh for sure, Absolutely. And I know in your story which I love this part of your story and it trickles through the entire story, but you had an amazing mother that was so supportive. Yes, I did. She was a wonderful woman. Can you tell us a little bit about, um, just a little bit about your relationship with her?
Speaker 2:Well, my mom and I had quite the bond. Um, you know, I've always called her my best friend. Um, she was the most giving person, um, very selfless, um, she just, uh, did everything for me and with me. Um, you know, sat through all my surgeries and you know just, she provided care to me and she was just my, my best friend really yeah, you have, I think.
Speaker 1:do you have four sisters? Yes, I do, she was busy.
Speaker 2:Your mom was very busy. Yes, plus she had their, they had their business Right, so they were very busy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so what was it like for you in school?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so what was it like for you in school? It was tough, especially in public school. Well, actually all of it, because I went through. You know a lot of.
Speaker 2:You know children could be mean you know, Some are awesome, but a lot of them were. You know they would tease and about how I walked and you know the things that I couldn't do like they did, and so it was. It was more challenging, I think, in public school cause I really didn't understand my disability at that age, and then when I got into high school it was just more challenging physically because it wasn't accessible the school. So I had a lot of that to deal with and just missing a school because of surgeries, right.
Speaker 1:Right. So what were the surgeries for? Was it to sort of try to straighten your?
Speaker 2:back. Yes, I had spinal surgery to straighten my spine. It was an S shape, so then that was the longest surgery I had, but they straightened my spine. Now it has since gone back to the s-shape, unfortunately. But um, that's just age progression and my disability progressing. But I had a lot of um orthopedic surgeries and um surgeries on my bladder and just you know, just uh, my knee, so they feet like, so my whole body pretty much.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That must have been so hard for you at such a young age.
Speaker 2:It was challenging. I think my first one was when I was three, so I mean I don't really remember that one, but I think my spinal surgery I have to say that was. But I think my spinal surgery I have to say that was that was the hardest one to get through, so yeah, it was challenging.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it must have been a lot of emotional and physical challenges for your mom as well.
Speaker 2:Yes, because she she had to, well, not only care for her other children, but she had to care for my health. She would do physical therapy with me. She had to teach me how to walk. Every time I had my surgeries I'd have to relearn how to walk, and then she would support me because, you know, therapy only goes so long right, and then when I got out of the hospital then she would take over. So it was a. It was a lot of um care for yeah, for me yes, um yeah, and didn't sort of took away from my sisters.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry say that again. So which took away from my sisters? I'm sorry say that again.
Speaker 1:So which took away from my sisters, of course, of course, yes, yes, I remember.
Speaker 2:In your story you talk about your mom having a little book yeah, yeah, it was just a really tiny just picture a little tiny binder and that's what it was just a little green, uh, binder with filled with little sheets of paper, and she used to write all of our history down there as much as she could like just little scribbles, really. Yeah, um, just so like say, for an example, I was having surgery.
Speaker 1:She would write down little details about the surgery or the doctor that I went to see, or you know whatever specialist was there. Yeah, I mean, you know, not to not to date, you and I but, when we were young, there were were no computer systems, so everything was a paper trail exactly yeah, yeah, yeah, it was smart of her to do that.
Speaker 2:well, it was, you know, some things, um, were hard to decipher, because some things she would just be writing so fast that you know her penmanship was really, you know not, it was good but not some of it wasn't legible. So, um, yeah, I tried to extract as much as it and same with my sisters they got some out of it as well. So, yeah. On their health.
Speaker 1:So yeah, and so in your story you talk about, yeah, on their health, so, yeah, and so in your story you talk about working outside the home and, and that was a real struggle, and in several places of your story you talk about you know how, you know trying to get to work. And it's because you live in Ontario and if anybody doesn't know about Canada, ontario, ontario can get some pretty brutal winters.
Speaker 2:And so here you are in a wheelchair, trying to get yourself to work.
Speaker 2:Yes, I wheeled back and forth in my manual wheelchair. I'd wheel back and forth in my manual wheelchair, whether it was like a little snow or a blizzard, so, or sometimes I would get to work, it wouldn't be too bad when I got there, but then it would be like, you know, massive snowstorm and I'd be, you know, wheeling my four blocks to back home. So, and if the snow was bad, I'd just carry my portable shovel, shovel my way, you know, because I didn't always have help right. So, and when it was really, when it got to the point where you know it got really bad, then I would take the occasional tab when we could afford it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's yeah. When I when I read that, I was visualizing that and I thought what courage and what determination.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean really when you don't have any other choice, if you don't have the money, right. Yeah, you do what you have to do, all right.
Speaker 1:I agree, but, but, patters, not everybody. So you know, and and especially not with a disability, that, like you, have um and uh to be able to get out there and do that, really it's um, really a lot of determination. So, yeah, good for you, you did it, but you didn't get frostbite.
Speaker 2:Well, toes got a tad cold, but exactly yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So so in your story as well, well, you do talk about being married, yes, and then your husband fell ill.
Speaker 2:Yes, he had a lot of. He had a disability himself but he did. Yeah, he did become ill with congestive heart failure and that was a struggle. That was a very hard time in my life. Yeah, taking care of him, you know, as well as trying to work and do everything else around the house. Yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:I can't even imagine. It must have been extremely difficult for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was very challenging.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. And so do you want to tell us a little bit about because you started drawing? Yeah, and you told me a little bit about how you came up with your name for your title, so do you want to? Tell us a little bit about that, because I want to sort of go sort of jump a little bit further into your life and what? Because you found something other than writing. But you did find something that really helped you emotionally. And do you want to just tell us about that.
Speaker 2:Well, I had been sitting out on the front porch quite a bit during my grieving process, and I don't. I was just sitting on the porch and one day I thought, you know, I'm going to pick up my art again. I had done a little bit in high school and I thought, well, let's just try this. So I picked up my pencil and I only went you know, I only had dollar store pencils and I picked up my notepad and started drawing. And then, you know, I just something told me to draw and I think I believe in my heart that it was heaven sent. So and then I started my own business from all of my artwork that I drew I think that's just amazing and I love it.
Speaker 1:I just love it because, if I remember correctly, you talk about it in your story, about it really being a passion for you in your teens, but then you sort of left it alone yes, yeah, I hadn't drawn for years and then, I don't know, just something drew me, drew me to drawing Right. So yeah, and so and so what are you doing? To cause? I know that you do sell your art, so what is it that like? What kind of art is it that you're doing?
Speaker 2:Oh, anything that comes into my mind, anything that when I put the pencil to the pad, it's just whatever comes out. Yeah, so nothing in particular, like there's no specific um art, uh, uh, genre, like. So I just whatever comes to my head.
Speaker 1:Right, I got everything from portraits to to animals yeah, well, and I saw on social media a couple of days ago that you were thanking somebody for purchasing some of your art were they in the?
Speaker 2:United States from, uh, new York, from New York, nice, yeah, so I so I was thrilled. It's not a large item, but it's. You know. I was thankful that they liked my design. Yes, that I made, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, and we all have to start somewhere.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Right, that's for sure I mean we can't get.
Speaker 1:we don't get to the stage where you know we're selling tons of stuff. I don't even know if it happens. You know, I don't know. Maybe sometimes for some lucky folks it happens overnight, but for most of us we start with one, and then we go to two, and then we go to three and then, you know, our confidence goes up and then we just keep going and going. So I think that it's wonderful when I saw that I was so happy for you yeah, I was.
Speaker 2:I was surprised actually because, um, on print, on demand uh sites, you know, we've got so much competition out there and I was just thankful that someone you know purchased one of my art designs.
Speaker 1:So well, and what we're going to do for everyone that's listening is in the details section of the podcast. We're going to have how they can find your art if someone's interested in looking and purchasing, so we'll make sure that we've got the got that there for everybody out there that might be interested.
Speaker 2:That would be awesome. Thank you very much.
Speaker 1:You're welcome, buy some art people. So, now that the story's out and you've finished it and and there's so much more to your story than we just touched on here, of course but how do you feel about now that it's done?
Speaker 2:and it's out there. Number one emotionally, you know, when I read it in the book, when I purchased the book and I read it, you know, yes, I had a lot of emotion from reading it. Again, I've read a lot, but you know, I'm I'm thankful, number one, that I did it, I'm proud that I did it, and number two, it it gives me a, a good feeling, knowing that I've written my story in hopes that, you know, someone else may be able to relate and get something from it. You know, some maybe emotional healing, something.
Speaker 1:Yes, and that's that's the goal. It's to, of course, whatever, whatever healing or emotional comfort it can bring to people who are writing the stories is fabulous, but but the real goal is helping helping others that might see themselves in some of your story and get some courage there.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I, you know, I always think about that story of you in the snowstorm with your shovel and I'm like put on some socks and shoes and a winter jacket and go to the grocery store. For gosh sakes, Do you like it? What's wrong with you? I mean sometimes, sometimes I know it sounds, it sounds silly patterns, but sometimes, you know, we forget how good we have it sometimes right and to me.
Speaker 1:I'm just living my life right to me, it's not anything that you know was extraordinary to me, because I was just living right oh yeah, it's, you're used to it and it's just something that you know that you have to do. It's just life dealt you.
Speaker 2:That's right. It's just like everything I do to maintain my home, or you know everything.
Speaker 1:So what words of encouragement might you give a woman who's thinking about writing her story, but maybe she's apprehensive or she's not sure. What would you say to her?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean for anyone that's thinking about doing it, like, don't hesitate, I know it's hard. I mean, I was anxious. I had never written anything before. So you know, don't let fear. You know, set you back. A lot of healing for me. So I would imagine that you know other women would be able to get that same sense of healing, if anything, and sharing with others really you know my story and hoping that they can get something from it. So don't let fear set you back.
Speaker 1:Yes, and and did it give you the?
Speaker 2:writing bug. It did.
Speaker 1:It's good it's. You know, writing is a is um. It's a healthy form of expression for us.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, I've always been able to write just not personal stories, right, I've been able to. You know, I always had to write, for example, business plans at my job that I had for other people, so I had to have a way with words, right, yeah, but nothing like this, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:Yes, Well, you did it and it was great and well, thank you. It was a really great story and you did a fabulous job, so I hope you continue writing and and maybe some of your stories out there will sell and and more of your artwork, and that would be. That would be spectacular for you.
Speaker 2:Yes, that would. That's my goal anyways.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, patters, I just really want to thank you for for the courage to come on and speak with us and also to write your story in the book. I know that it was difficult for you, but you did it and I just wish you all the best, and I wish you the best with your artwork, and I'm going to try and visualize lots of sales for you. So, if anybody is listening, please go to the detailed section of our podcast details and in there you're going to find a link where you can find Patter's art and and she is continuing to write. I know she's. She's got her fingers in another one of our women like books, so so she's continuing there as well, so you'll hopefully be able to find her in more books to come as well. So, patters, is there anything you'd like to say in closing, before we end?
Speaker 2:Well, I'd like to thank you very much for everything and hopefully there's more stories that I can contribute to for your, you know, with your help. But, you know, I just hope that you know, other women can, you know, continue moving forward. You know, in, whatever their journey is, you know, never give up, just never give up, as my mom, my mom pushed me here, and just never give up.
Speaker 1:Well, I love it. Never give up. What else? It's simple, it's simple, yeah. Well, thank you so much again. Again, I appreciate you so much for being here and thank you all for watching or listening, I should say to our podcast and and stay tuned for another episode coming soon.