Women Like Me Stories & Business

Finding Freedom in Letting Go of "Should"

Julie Fairhurst Episode 93

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Ever feel like you're lost in the maze of life, constantly battling the nagging feeling of "should"? You're not alone. We've all been there, stuck in the endless loop of self-doubt, wondering if we’re truly on the right path. 

By reflecting on past experiences, we highlight the importance of recognizing those serendipitous moments when life just seemed to click and understanding that struggles often signal a different path meant for you. 

This episode is not about abandoning growth but about appreciating who you are today, trusting your path, and loving yourself at every step because right here, right now, you are exactly where you're meant to be.

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Who is Julie Fairhurst?
Julie Fairhurst – Speaker, Author, and Founder of Women Like Me

Julie Fairhurst is a champion for women’s empowerment and the founder of the Women Like Me Book Program. Since 2019, she has published 30 books and 300+ true-life stories—at no cost to the writers—giving women a platform to heal, inspire, and reclaim their power. Dedicated to breaking generational trauma one story at a time, Julie’s mission is to uplift women emotionally and financially, helping them create better lives for themselves and their families.


Speaker 1:

Do you ever feel like you've wandered off your path? Do you find yourself wondering what life would look like if you were on the right path consistently? Here's something you might not want to hear in this moment, but need to. You are on your path. You may not like where you are right now. You might feel frustrated, stuck or desperate for change. Maybe you're already in the process of transforming your life. Wherever you are, that's where you're meant to be in this moment. I've been there too.

Speaker 1:

I spent years feeling disappointed in myself for not being where I thought I should be. And let me tell you, should is one of the least productive words in our vocabulary. It's a sneaky little word that creeps in to make us feel guilty, like we're not trying hard enough. So do yourself a favor kick should out of your vocabulary for good. Looking back over my life, I've realized something powerful I was always on my path. Even in my lowest moments, even when I hated where I was, I was exactly where I needed to be. The hard truth is this when we don't get what we want, it's often because that wasn't meant for us, that wasn't our path. There's always something waiting for us, something meant for us, and fighting against the flow of life only delays its arrival. If I'd stopped resisting so much, I might have found my way sooner and with far less struggle.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment to reflect on your own life. Look back and you'll see how certain things fell into place effortlessly, while others didn't work out, no matter how hard you tried. That's because they weren't part of your path. This isn't about giving up on growth or change Far from it. It's about accepting and loving who you are right now. It's about giving yourself credit for how far you've come and being grateful for what you have today. The sooner you do this, the easier life will feel. Why? Because you'll stop fighting against the current, and when you stop fighting, you allow flow to enter your life. And that, my friend, is the way forward. Trust your journey, embrace where you are, love yourself through it all. You're exactly where you're meant to be right now. Thank you.

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