Women Like Me Stories & Business

Wellness Wisdom with Nancy Beaulieu

Episode 89

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How do life's trials shape who we become?

Join us as we chat with Nancy Beaulieu, a psychic medium and influential figure in health and wellness who takes us on an extraordinary journey of resilience and transformation.

Nancy shares deeply personal stories about overcoming significant health challenges during her youth, including a battle that left her temporarily paralyzed. As she opens up about navigating the complexities of stress and the potential effects of vaccines, Nancy reveals how these early experiences ignited her passion for holistic health and advocacy.

Nancy's path toward natural well-being is nothing short of inspiring. With a pivotal moment in 2021, she committed to a lifestyle overhaul, prompting a new exploration of wellness avenues.

Discover how Nancy integrates intuitive guidance into her journey, using tarot cards for mental wellness and personal growth. Whether through spiritual connections or her vibrant career as "Fancy Nancy," she highlights the value of honesty and integrity in her work across photography, influencing, and psychic mediumship.
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Who is Julie Fairhurst?
Julie Fairhurst – Speaker, Author, and Founder of Women Like Me

Julie Fairhurst is a champion for women’s empowerment and the founder of the Women Like Me Book Program. Since 2019, she has published 30 books and 300+ true-life stories—at no cost to the writers—giving women a platform to heal, inspire, and reclaim their power. Dedicated to breaking generational trauma one story at a time, Julie’s mission is to uplift women emotionally and financially, helping them create better lives for themselves and their families.


Speaker 1:

Well, welcome everyone to another episode of Women Like Me Stories in Business. I'm your host, julie Fairhurst, and I am here today with one of our fantastic writers in our writing group. She's just recently written in our newest book, which is when Life Breaks you Open Moments that Change Everything, and I just love that because I think it is the moments. It's those little moments that sometimes there's big moments, but there's a lot of little moments that can help us to shift our mindsets and help us change everything. So Nancy Boullieu is here and she's written in other of our books as well, but she's written in this book and her chapter is Health and Wellness Life Lessons when life lessons take you from apprentice to mentor. So it's a very, very good and very interesting story when you when you read it.

Speaker 1:

I just want to let everybody know that this is a brand new book, so I don't have a cover to show you. It's not even out yet. Our plan, fingers crossed, is to release it next Friday, which is November 29th 2024. So if you are watching this video, after November 29th 2024, the book's out. So go buy it and read Nancy's story. So welcome Nancy. Thank you for being here. I appreciate it. Why don't we start off by you telling the audience a little bit about yourself?

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody. I'm Fancy Nancy. I am a psychic medium. I'm a health and wellness influencer. I'm a mom to two neurodivergent kids, I'm a wife and I've just recently started working out of Edge Nutrition in Chilliwack. I'm all about wellness in every possible way, and so my my journey in the book. When you read that, you might see why I am who I am today.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Well, thank you, nancy. I want to start off, nancy, with a little bit about your story. So right in the beginning of your story you have a little blurb. I'm going to read it. It says in the second decade of life, I lived in Kamloops. So we're talking in British Columbia, canada, if anybody doesn't know where these places are. So in the second decade of my life I lived in Kamloops. My parents had divorced and my dad and brother remained in Chilliwack, while my sister mother and I had a new home three hours away. Sister mother and I had a new home three hours away. Things began to change for me. I ended up with monolukiosis and was very sick for two months. Do you want to tell us a little bit about what was happening to you there, because I think you were around? Were you around 10 years old at that time?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, somewhere between the ages of 10 and 15, but I think closer to 10. It's quite a really difficult illness. You get all of the glands swollen. The tonsils are swollen, there's glands in our armpits, there's glands under your legs. They're just everywhere and like every single one in your body is like swollen and inflamed. You feel extremely tired, like the only thing. I've never had COVID, but maybe I'd compare it to COVID tired. Your muscles ache everywhere, like the swelling in your throat is so painful that you're not able to eat. So I was not taking in much at all, just barely fluids, and that was painful. I remember every swallow being painful and I was just couch bound and looking pale, very skinny and weak, and just out of school, just laying there, just existing and wondering when it was going to end.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know, because you say when you, when you you do say in your story what a relief it was to not not to die, yeah, yeah, and I think through through several of your of what happened to you after 10, you thought you were going to die a few times, yeah, yeah. So what do you think happened, nancy? Because, because, from your story, you were pretty healthy, you didn't have that many issues, uh, and then 10 years old hit and you did move to a different, a different area, um, and then you started, just seemed you like you had back-to-back, uh, medical issues, health issues, yeah, asthma to all sorts of things going on well.

Speaker 2:

Well, I feel like it could be two things Stress, because there was a divorce and a move and all of that, and adjusting to a new place and bullies around all that kind of stuff. So stress will definitely be detrimental to your health. And then I am not every. This is not a popular opinion, not everyone agrees, but I actually do feel like vaccines cause damage, and it was a grade six MMR and then my health deteriorated after that.

Speaker 1:

I you know, I guess it could be for sure, I mean, whatever your immune system's doing and then to have a foreign, something foreign, put into your body? It certainly could, because you had a lot of illnesses, yeah, Like wow, One of the most scariest ones that I remember when I was reading your story. And I'm going to read this a little bit. I'm not going to keep reading, but I think this is the last one I'm going to read Because I really think for anybody that is a parent, how terrifying it is, and even to be a young child or a young teen, even quite scary.

Speaker 1:

So you said everything went black and I felt weak. I thought I reached for the couch to sit back down, but mom said I was like a dead weight and I collapsed. Unexpectedly my head hit the wall and it hit it hard and I was lying on the floor paralyzed. I could hear my mom screaming in fear, trying to get a response from me as I lay there trying to move my mouth, my hands, my arms, my anything, but nothing worked. Like how terrifying. So what? Can you tell us a little bit about what happened there? I think that was to me when I read your story. That was the most scariest event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it all happened so fast You're.

Speaker 2:

You don't even really have a moment to like analyze what's going on, and just so much confusion was set in too.

Speaker 2:

And they they diagnosed me with postural hypotension, and so it's kind of when you're sitting, especially if you're like cross legged and you get up really quickly, your blood pressure drops rapidly, and so you stand up and your eyes are open but they go blank, you can't see out of them.

Speaker 2:

And then your body if you don't grab onto something and hold on or sit down, which you probably want to do slowly then you can faint, and so this is something I've lived with my whole life, and I do typically eat like smaller, more frequent meals, like run to the cupboard for a little bit of dark chocolate and keep my blood sugar levels up. I'm not diagnosed with like diabetes or anything, but I guess it could be something similar. There's no, there's no seizures for me with this, and only most of the population has high blood pressure, and and then there's a lot that have normal. So I also have to be careful with certain supplements, because there's a lot of things like lion's mane and other supplements out there that lower your blood pressure, and I can't take that because it will make me dizzy.

Speaker 1:

So when you fainted, then is that is that why you just like like you were so when you fainted then? Is that is that why you just like like you were so when you faint, because I personally have never fainted. So when you faint, do you kind of, are you kind of you're not, obviously not conscious, because you fainted?

Speaker 2:

is that like when you were coming to that you felt you couldn't speak, you couldn't move, you were just so, um, I think the moment that I hit my head I wasn't conscious, like I I didn't know that that really happened. And then I just remember, like laying there and coming to and, um, yeah, just being extremely confused about what was happening. Like I just thought I was going to sit down and next thing you know, I'm laying there like in paralysis and just so confused and yeah, I was. It was crazy. I didn't know how long it was going to last. I just remained hopeful that if I keep trying, something's going to happen. My body's going to move, I'm going to snap out of it. So I just not give up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow, how terrifying.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so what was your age approximately at that time?

Speaker 2:

Um, probably between 10 and 12. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So when did you so? So when people read the book, of course they can find out all the information, but when did you start to? When did you start to? I don't want to say get better, but start to take control of your health. Let me put it that way.

Speaker 2:

OK, well, I've definitely always been interested and pretty mindful. I was working at a deli before I had my daughter and and I started to notice my I felt off. And then I started thinking like, could it be the birth control pills I'm on? And so I started looking into that and seeing all the side effects. And then I started researching vaccines and then I started reaching everything that comes from Western medicine and realizing that there was way better alternative ways, like more natural, holistic, and so that's the direction I went and I was introduced to some audios CDs called your Wishes, your Command, and there's 14 CDs, like 14 hours of listening. And CD eight was all about natural health and it talked about EMFs and it talked about um parasite cleanses. It talked about detoxing your body in every way and like the law of attraction and just everything. So I got a lot of great guidance when I listened to that, and then I've been on that natural holistic path like ever since 2011,. Even before that, a little bit, but really strongly then.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think I think that, um, yeah, there's certainly medicines and treatments that everybody needs, but I, I'm with you, I think that a lot of the holistic stuff can be extremely helpful to us and sometimes I think we get so caught up in the, in the whole Western medical system which again, I'm not saying anything bad about it, Cause of course it saves they save lives all the time. But I think, for everyday health every day, how you're feeling, to get more energy and all of those kinds of things, I think definitely looking more holistic is a is a definitely a better, better place to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think we need to exhaust everything natural and holistic first, before even thinking of drugs and surgery and other things. But yes, surgeries can save your life. Both my kids were C-sections. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, for sure, absolutely. So let me ask you a little bit more about your journey. So when, or can you tell me? So what do you think the most pivotal moment was that sort of shaped your transformation.

Speaker 2:

Definitely 2021, when I was carrying around extra weight after being a mom a little bit before that. And 2021, I dropped 80 pounds after doing a gut reset. And pounds, yeah, and I wasn't a big drinker, but I did, you know, drink on weekends, occasionally, eat the pizza and eat the terrible foods that went along with drinking. And 2021, I gave up alcohol for good. I haven't drank in a sip ever since. So, um, that clarity in my mind and the ability to develop my intuition and to just follow, um, you know my inner voice and know what's best for me, that 2021 was very pivotal for me.

Speaker 1:

That was a huge change in my life wow, wow, that's, that's, that is yeah for sure. Well, good for you because, um, yeah, to have that clarity of mind is certainly important. So do you think that? Um, so, what was our specific life lesson or experience? I guess the experience would be losing the weight, but what? What was the lesson there that you might have learned?

Speaker 2:

Um, well, it came with like what kind of launched it was? Because after the gut reset which I lost 20 pounds in, then I thought, oh, I'm gonna have some drinks and have some pizza and reward myself for that weight loss, and like I've been deprived of all this yummy food. And then my body was like here's a bile duct stone, deal with that without a gallbladder. So then I um, yeah, I got really sick. I got jaundice for three days, like, um, you can get cirrhosis, which is like a scarring of the liver. So when your bile um is flushing back up and hitting the liver is causing it to be inflamed and get really sick. So it was at that point when I had another option of surgery. The doctor said they wanted to cut a flap in my bile duct so the bile would be free flowing and then I could continue on just eating like everybody typically eats. And I thought, no, I don't want any more surgery.

Speaker 2:

So I decided to eat low fat ever since I do consume, like dark chocolate and nuts and avocado, but in very small quantities and spread throughout the day, not too much at once. So I eat, I ate low fat for the rest of my life, just like I gave up alcohol. I have not turned back. I don't eat really high fat there's. I don't eat red meat because most of it's high fat and I have. Um, it was like a, a point where no return, like I'm not going to be a dieter again, I'm not going to be yo yoing around, I'm not going to be making those mistakes and regretting them, because I saw how sick I got in those three days where I was fevering and like jaundice and everything, and so that was a point where it's like okay, I have to be good all the time and this is my life going forward. There's no going back to the old ways at all.

Speaker 1:

So that's where I've been, that you know that's what it takes. It takes that that I used to smoke many, like many, many, many, many, many years ago. But I remember when I quit I tried three times and the third time excuse me was when I said no, I'm not gonna start again, I'm quitting, I'm done. And I think so much of what happens with this is is you have to make that, confirm that decision in your mind, and once do that, you're 50 there yeah, yeah, sometimes our body has to help us along like almost, almost, give us no choice, and I can relate.

Speaker 2:

I smoked in the past too, when I was young and teens and stuff, and I remember getting a lung infection for three weeks and then I was like this is stupid, I'm suffering so much, I'm not gonna smoke again, so I quit too. But it's almost like if you're not ready to make the decision on your own, the universe is like here we're going to give you the decisions being made for you. I believe that I 100% believe that.

Speaker 1:

So let's switch a little bit in your story. I'm curious when did you first realize that you had psychic abilities?

Speaker 2:

When was that all happening. So it started in 2021, the same year that I lost all the weight. I was very curious, actually. I saw a post on Instagram that said karma, like, you reap what you sow. And I think that's when I was going through some of the bile duct problems and I thought, like what, why am I suffering right now? Is this like karma? Like, is this something I've done? Um, and so then I got this numerology reading from this lady whose post it was and it was really eye-op and it said I could develop mediumship skills and it said all these special talents and abilities that I have within me that could be developed and where I could go with it. And I showed it to a friend one day and this friend had tarot cards and she did a reading for me and then she was like you should get tarot cards and and then I was like, yeah, I think I will. So I did, and then that really helped develop my intuition.

Speaker 2:

The tarot cards and a pack of tarot cards is like having a life coach in your back pocket, because there's so much guidance and, um, it really corrects your thinking. It corrects, um, just decision-making, and like doing things for your highest and best. All of that comes in a tarot deck. But then, um yeah, I started taking intuitive classes and working on developing my intuition and not just like looking at the cards and then looking in the book for an answer. I decided to just like close my eyes, leave the cards turned over where I couldn't see them and start listening for answers and connecting to spirit, guides and angels and all that stuff. So I really developed it. After the after, I bought a tarot deck and started reading and getting educated.

Speaker 1:

Good for you. Well, it's. It's really all about, you know, just silence, like you said, listening, listening for the downloads, listening for what, what, what the universe is trying to tell you about there for sure, yeah, so do you then? So, when you're doing psychic readings, are you are? Do you focus on um, like, are you focusing on the health industry, like, are you focusing on people's health, or or like, what do you do? So if somebody, if I wanted to come for a reading, you know, are you, do you ask me questions about what I want to know, or are you focusing a lot on health? I'm just curious if the health and wellness comes through.

Speaker 2:

So it comes through, I would say, in every single reading. But I asked people like what's on your mind, what are your challenges? Is it career, is it relationship, is it health, is it personal growth? Is it your spirituality? Like what is it that you feel? Like you need more clarity on and direction?

Speaker 2:

And then the guidance everything is illuminated, um, in the cards and messages that come through and people will be like, wow, that like resonates so much with me. It's insane. And, um, the direction that I give them is always for their highest and best. So, if it's not like physical, like they haven't asked a health question about their body, um, it's really going to be a lot of mind and soul wellness, because health is mind, body and soul. So, um, like, if they're talking about their career, like, how does their career make them feel? Are they in alignment with what is in their best interest? Does it feel like soul crushing or does it light them up, like I'm going to direct them in the way that is for their best and that's going to be like mind and soul wellness for them.

Speaker 1:

And that's going to be like mind and soul wellness for them. That, yeah, when you just said that, I got it. That makes complete sense, because if we're mentally not well or under a lot of stress or whatever's going on, it comes out physically. It's got to come out somewhere in the body, whether that's you know you're constantly getting flus or cold, or yeah, no, that that makes complete sense, Complete sense. So, so, what inspired you around mental health? Because I know mental health is very being a mental health advocacy is important to you. So do you want to tell us a little bit about, about how you feel about or what? What brought you towards helping people with their mental health?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so in a previous podcast we did I talked a bit about my sister and my kids. My kids are neurodivergent, they're ADHD and they have sensory processing and a few other things, and my sister was too, but she was undiagnosed and so she's no longer with us, and so the loss of her also launched me more into the mediumship, but it launched me very strongly into mental health, wanting to learn about the differences in a neurotypical mind and a neurodivergent mind and how we can look after that wellness and support others and their wellness and um, yeah, so I just started studying like a lot of that. But like the sensory processing disorder, the ADHD, I haven't studied autism too much because it's it's not my in my personal situation, but I do feel like I want to study that just so I can understand people out there and help them too. Um, I do get clients often that are ADHD, and so when I can kind of understand how their brain works, um and um have like I don't want to put expectations on people, but if I'm giving them guidance or advice, then I might need to tailor it for somebody, um, a little differently.

Speaker 2:

The sun is getting in my face. I might might need to tailor it a little differently if they have ADHD, if their brain works differently, um, because they might feel like it's too much or not the right direction for them, and I want them to come away from a reading feeling empowered and excited and moving forward. I don't want them to feel like burdened or stressed or anything like. I'm here to pick people up and not bring them down. So the more I know about mental health and wellness, the better I can serve others in this world.

Speaker 1:

Yes, perfect. So let's switch a little bit again, because I'm really curious how did you get the name Fancy Nancy?

Speaker 2:

well, um, my, actually, my uncle, he, he really is passionate about health and wellness too, but when I was a little kid, I did not wear plain pants, like it wasn't solid colors. There was like snow white on my pants or they're bright and colorful. There was all the stuff. He called me fancy pants, nance oh, that's cute. So that was my childhood nickname and I love fancy clothes maybe not the pants. I'm more into dresses now. Yeah, but um, when I started a photography business in 2011, I was thinking of a name, so I chose Fancy Nancy Photography Chilliwack. And then I moved into doing influencing, so I chose influenced by Fancy Nancy. And then for my psychic medium readings, it's Fancy Nancy's psychic and medium reading. So I just keep the Fancy Nancy all the way through with all my businesses and when I meet new people and you know, sometimes it's hard to remember someone's name right off the bat as soon as I throw out the fancy Nancy, everybody remembers.

Speaker 1:

Of course, yeah, yeah, it's like your tagline almost yeah, yeah, no, I love it. So tell us a little bit about your influencing. I think I find that quite intriguing, and I follow you on social media. I see where you are all the time and and. So why don't you tell us a little bit about that? What's that all?

Speaker 2:

about. Okay, so, just like a celebrity would do an endorsement, they get hired by a brand to speak good words about the brand. It's a little different for them. They might have a script and there's a lofty paycheck in it, but when you're an influencer, you're typically wanted to give, like, your honest opinion and kind of like you're testing the product out and you're letting people know, authentically, your experience, like you want to. If it's no good, then you don't want to recommend it. Um, now you have to be delicate with the brand and and choose your wording very kindly, because, like that, that would just be cruel to bash them. But you want to find a way to be very honest with your followers and, um, make sure that you're you're always putting out honest words that are for the highest and best of everyone.

Speaker 2:

Now, I do pre-screen a lot of the brands that I work with. I'm, when someone messages me, I'm looking at their page of, looking at does it have natural ingredients? Is it toxic? Is it, you know, for the highest and best of all my followers, because I care and I don't want anyone to be suffering because I recommended something terrible. So I pre screen a lot of that out before I even accept any offers from any brands, and when I go seeking stuff, I'm seeking really great stuff too. So if I'm posting it on my page, I most likely already checked it out and feel very strongly that it is a good product. Um, but yeah, the odd time you can get something and be a little disappointed and then you're just cautious with that. But I I would never say like yeah, get this. Like yeah, if it wasn't good, no, sure, for sure.

Speaker 1:

I mean, at the end of the day, if you, you know, I guess, if you, you know, you you like it, but you know it's not not your fave, but somebody else might you know I? I guess that's the things we have to be careful not to be overly negative about things, because just because we don't like it doesn't mean somebody else might not like it, as long as it's not going to harm them or hurt them in any way. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I, I I posted about health and wellness for the five years that I've been influencing, but it started with a lot of like vitamins and supplements and maybe a bit of weight loss stuff and then it really moved into mind and soul wellness, a lot of metaphysical and crystals and oils and self care and a lot of that. And now it's funny because I'm coming back around to nutrition again, especially working at edge nutrition. I'm filling my body with all the goods and all the supplements and and I love all the online tests out there. There's like there's hair analysis, there's urine analysis test. You can see where you're at and you know I was depleted in magnesium recently, so now I'm taking all kinds of magnesium and it's just amazing. The products that are out there to get us where we need to be and we don't have to have a doctor visit to do it A lot of times just what's there online and the resources that we can purchase on our own are really beneficial.

Speaker 1:

It's great, absolutely. You know, I took a little tiny bit off topic, but still on topic I recently took I wish I knew the name of it off the top of my head, I can't remember, but it was where you put these headphones on and you listen to these different vibrations, listen to this, to these different vibrations, and it actually reads your body and then gives you a report. Now, I took it because you know I do a lot of this stuff, because I think it's fun and interesting, and so I do it. But, yeah, it told me illnesses that I had when I was a kid. Yeah, it was crazy. And then it told me some stuff that was going on with my body as an adult which I knew about. And then I, you know, put it out to the world.

Speaker 1:

I only have one kidney. It told me I only have one kidney. Like it was the weirdest thing and it was just this vibrational and the whole time I'm thinking, oh well, this'll be fun to see, kind of what it says, right, and then I'm just like blown away, blown away, blown away. I was shocked. Have you heard about this thing?

Speaker 2:

So I know there's capabilities out there. I'm I'm a very techie girl. I'm an Aquarius, so I love everything techie. I've taken like Healy tests and I've taken the hair analysis and they they can discover a lot of that too. But that particular test that you've done, I'm not sure that I've tried that. So you definitely got to tell me because I want to get on that, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you know. And it was interesting because the girl, the friend it's a friend of mine, an associate, that that's doing it. There's now she's. She's actually had naturopaths who are now using this. So when they get a client they do this and then they they're able to do some reading. But it picked, when it picked up some of the um illnesses I had when I was in younger years. That blew me away and so I guess, and and so here's the other thing. Now we're again, we're off track a little bit, but here's the thing it's all about health and wellness. Yeah, I, what I thought was amazing was obviously I still have some of that in my body. Yeah, wouldn't have picked it up, which scared me a little bit. Yeah, yeah, like not good like not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it can empower you to work on those things and heal that.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely and just, and knowledge, right, you know, okay, now I know that it's still in my body. Last thing I want to do is reactivate it or whatever, whatever it is, but I just thought this is so interesting that I've had that. Oh, the other thing it picked up. Oh, I got to tell you this because you're, because it's about vaccines. So when I went to Kenya, I which was in 2011, I, I had all the vaccines that you could get because I did not want malaria or any of that other stuff going on. So I went in and I actually got all those vaccines, yellow fever, everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it knew I had those vaccines. Yeah, it said you've had this vaccine, this vaccine, that it like it was so weird. Anyway, that's amazing. Everybody emailing me where do I get this test done? But it was, I was just amazed, I was just amazed, and so I still have the report and so I read it and from time to time. But you know I take these things with a grain of salt. You know I take out what I like and what I think I can use, and the rest of it I just, you know, whatever, you know it doesn't work for me. But but again, as you were saying in these holistic ways, is it all these little things, like you were saying about the hair analysis, the urine analysis? There's so many things and so many ways out there these days that we can find about find out what we need for our bodies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm on another journey here. That's quite new for me. Now I've seen a chiropractor before. I've had a couple little neck issues in the past. I think I've only seen that chiropractor maybe twice for it, yeah, and I felt like I was like mostly fixed.

Speaker 2:

And you know chiropractors say, come again. You need to keep coming and like get the treatments. And most people think, oh, I'm not going to put the money on that If I feel good, I'm good and really you should keep going because just like we have muscle memory, we, our body has a memory of being out and it kind of wants to go back to that until you've retrained it. And so at my new job at Edge Nutrition, this lady came in and she was working out of a place called Kari chiropractic and she was saying that these chiropractors get trained in New Zealand and they have advanced testing. And I was like they they're all about correcting your nervous system and with all the studying I've done in mental health, like your nervous system is in charge of so much, it's so important and crucial for your overall wellness, and I was like wow, advanced testing. I got to see this, I got to get in there and actually I had a little bike incident where I fell off and I felt like my hip was out. So when she came in it was divine timing I knew I had to go there, yeah, and so anyways, I went in and they have these like this thing with like rollers and it goes on either side of your spine and they put it down your back and it's detecting temperature and energy and all kinds of things. So you're not just getting like an x-ray, you're getting a full like multiple different scans. Plus you're having the chiropractor look you over, touch your back, get you to move in all these different ways. They do like multiple different types of tests that have never been done on me before at another chiropractor, and I was very intrigued and excited about it and I learned I wasn't just out in my hip, I was still out in the neck, the area that I never fixed.

Speaker 2:

I was out in another couple spots One part in my back, they said I've been out so long. The muscle became fatigued and decided to shut down and stop working. So there's actually a section in my back where I have a muscle on one side working but the other side was not, and so I'm actually quite out of alignment and I've been for four adjustments now. They did say, come in twice a week for six weeks and then after that lessen it, but just for my budget and what works for my schedule I'm going kind of like once a week or once every 10 days or so.

Speaker 2:

I'm feeling a lot better already, but it's insane how much your spine and your nervous system control all the other parts of your body. It controls your gut health, it controls your, like mental health. It controls organ health. Everything is all connected. So if your spine is not in alignment, you could have all these other health problems going on, and I'm lucky I don't have more health problems going on based on how my spine has been out of alignment. Yes, but yeah, so I am working on that. So I'm getting fully adjusted. I'm going to keep going into the new year, keep getting these adjustments and then they'll retest me and see where my spine's at. Yeah, and the exciting thing is like, once I've got my stuff all dealt with, I'm going to bring my kids in there, because there's so much of that that can help with ADHD and OCD and all these other sensory processing issues. Like when my kids are going to be well adjusted, they're going to be able to cope and handle life so much better.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness. Well, I would tell you, nancy, I have gotten, I am motivated. Our conversation has really motivated me to check a few other things out. I think that's fabulous. And you know, there's, as as we said, there's so many things, so people, you, people out there, if you are feeling sick or mentally down or any of those, anything, you're just no energy, go and get yourself checked. And it doesn't necessarily mean, you know, go to go to you, go to your doctor, of course, of course, but but there's other avenues to check out as well. And, yeah, I love it, I love it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think there's. It excites me because there's. Yeah, I'm curious about getting my spine read.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's definitely worthwhile, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah exactly, and I love the fact that you're going to be able to get your kids to do it yeah, I, yeah, I want to teach them full wellness and how to take care of themselves and look after like.

Speaker 2:

And another thing too um where, uh, if you're neurodivergent, you um, you're a little bit um not on top of the same skills for self-regulation and um problem solving and and stuff like that. And so the Chilliwack has um youth therapy. It goes from, they said, ages 12 to 25 free therapy, and but they all actually take kids as young as 10. And so my, my daughter, goes in there and loves it and it's, you know, giving her the coping skills and strategies and tools to like, take care of her emotional wellness and and well being. And I'm just so proud of her and glad that she just loves it, like she's happy and excited to go each week and so, yeah, you can get to it out of um Chilliwack High School. There's the center in there and it's also in Stolo Nation as well, so something to look into. It's like a youth um I can't remember the exact name, but that's so important for your wellness too oh for, and to help kids before they get to where we are.

Speaker 1:

And then we as adults wake up and go oh gee, I've been messed up for a lot of years, but now they're, you know, they're getting. They're getting that, that, that health growth, that mental health growth when they should, when we all should, when we're children and before we get to that stage where we start to run amok. Yeah, definitely. Well, nancy, I have just enjoyed our conversation and I, uh I and I appreciate you so much because nancy has written in in many of our books I'll show you.

Speaker 2:

I have them here perfect we started with the oh, let's see if it's going to show up with my backdrop here. Okay, we can see it. Yeah, okay. And then there's this one here and this one here. Oh, let's get that on. Yeah, that was wonderful. Actually, do I have here? Here we go, I have it. I got it now. Oh, you got it showing up there.

Speaker 1:

That's the most recent one, and you should check out some of the books because Nancy has written recent one, and you should check out some of the books because Nancy has written. She talks a lot about health, a lot about wellness, a lot about spirituality, and, and she gives a lot of tips. You give a lot of tips about how people can, can be better and do better, and and and and help to change their lives, and just, you know those little tiny tweaks that sometimes that's all we need to make. So I appreciate you doing that for sure, and and in this book she has written her story, and so it is. It is really good.

Speaker 1:

So, if any of you are interested, the book, as I said, will be out November 29, 2024. I'm saying because, because I don't know when anybody's seeing, you know when people are still seeing the video, but but, and they're, and they are available on Amazon is usually the the places there. So now, nancy, do you want to say any last words for our, for our listeners, or or anybody watching us, any last words of advice For our listeners?

Speaker 2:

or anybody watching us. Any words of advice? Yeah, I would say take an interest in yourself, be obsessed with personal growth and loving yourself and take care of your wellness, mind, body and soul. And if you don't love yourself already, you will when you take that interest and start diving into it. And then when you love yourself, your ability to love everyone around you is just so much greater. You'll shine as a bright light, you will help awaken others to their healing and you'll just make the world a more beautiful place. So love yourself.

Speaker 1:

Oh, nancy, you almost brought me teary-eyed. That was beautiful. Thank you so much. Well, everybody, I hate to go, but our time is up, so thank you again, nancy, for being here, and thank all of you for taking the time to watch on YouTube or to listen to our podcast, and we will see you again soon. Take care everybody.

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