Women Like Me Stories & Business

Rediscovering Passion and Purpose with Lois Unger

Julie Fairhurst Episode 74

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Ever thought it’s too late to start a new chapter in life? Think again! Meet Lois Unger, who at 63, decided to swap her 9-to-5 routine for the glamour and excitement of modeling and acting. 

Her journey from the confines of a conventional job to volunteering at local theaters and gracing the camera lens is not just inspiring, but a powerful reminder that age is just a number when it comes to following your dreams. 

Lois’s story is a beacon of inclusivity, proving that the worlds of modeling and acting have room for everyone, irrespective of age, race, or body size.

In this heartfelt episode, we dive into the importance of mindset and self-care as catalysts for pursuing your passions at any stage in life. 

From the rejuvenating power of self-discovery to the sheer joy of connecting with like-minded souls, Lois’s experiences underscore the importance of dedicating time to what truly makes us happy. 

Learn how the internet can be a powerful tool for promoting your talents and the immense satisfaction that comes from mentoring others. Whether you’re contemplating a career switch or simply seeking a spark of inspiration, this conversation promises to deliver valuable insights and encouragement.

FREE GIFT: Story Inspirational Checklist

This Story Inspiration Checklist is designed to help you uncover impactful moments. It offers a guide for pulling from your own life and turning these stories into inspiration for others. Use this checklist to reflect, write, and share your story to create meaningful change.

Success Coach, Master Persuader, Publisher, Author & Founder of the
Women Like Me Book Program

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Speaker 1:

Well, hi everyone. I'm so excited that you have chosen to join us again. Today. We are here with the fabulous, fabulous Lois Unger. Welcome to another episode of Conversations with Women Like Me in Stories and in Business. And Lois does stories and she's got tons of business stuff on the go, so I cannot wait for you to hear about her. I find her so encouraging. She has not let the world get her down, and I'm just going to let Lois tell you a little bit about herself. So thank you for being here. Can you just tell us a little bit about herself? So thank you for being here. Can you just tell us a little bit about yourself?

Speaker 2:

Hi Julie, thank you so much for having me. It's a true pleasure and I'm really excited. So yeah, just before, when we were chatting and before recording and you were mentioning about you know, saying my age and so forth, and I'm happy to. I'm 63 at the moment and I got into like modeling and acting only like within the last five years. I always say that I was Virgin Mary, like in grade three, right, I didn't have any lines and that's many years ago. So that was fun in high school and stuff like that, but it never really occurred to me to be even in this genre at all. I mean, I had a camera in hand for like, since I've been a teenager, so I guess that was my arts for many years.

Speaker 2:

And so then I worked, you know, my usual nine to five, for 40, some years, until, you know, I don't know, 10, 10 years ago or so 10, 15 years and, and I don't know how, I really don't know.

Speaker 2:

I cannot pinpoint it one day, how, how it even came about, how that thought process even came about it.

Speaker 2:

I just thought it was something that I would enjoy, and so, of course, my confidence level had changed as well, and because for years I was, and not that this has anything to do with it, but it did for me, maybe not for others. Like I was, I reduced like a lot of my, my body weight, and so I think and for health reasons as well, not, you know, because we, we thought so that then of course I felt better, I had more energy, I I could do things. You know, I thought, you know I was kind of almost unstoppable. And so then it just started from there, just exploring different things in my life and things I like to do and and so yeah, and it just became more fun, like what else can I do and what can I get into? And so I guess I have my mom's traits where I'm I'm kind of curious about a lot of things, like a lot of things, so I just do not find time long or I don't get bored or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

So what gave you you? So you had your career where you were doing your nine to five and then about 10, 15 years ago. Did you stop doing that, or did you just like what caused you to just jump and move forward?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I had it coming. You know, I was thinking about it in my mind. I thought I don't know this, 9 to 5. Because that really, literally, is all I was doing. I really did not do other hobbies or anything. That is literally what I just did, you know at that time watch TV, read, you know really nothing, nothing like that. And so I kind of planned it for my. I thought I'm just going to retire and you know, honestly, I had nothing on the horizon, I had no other job, I had no, nothing else. But I did have my camera and that was my best friend, and so I I've basically driven my whole province and then some, I have a lot when I say a lot of photos and you, but you went into modeling.

Speaker 2:

I did. This was about five years ago, so of course I'm, I'm, and then I started also volunteering, like at our local theatres and and in, you know, in, in, in some of the shows and stuff like that, and so that really got me going and and especially, you know, if they had dance recitals and stuff like that, I'm like, oh my gosh, you know, I it was just all in that whole circle of people. And so then I did think I thought, yeah, that that sounds kind of fun. You know, I wouldn't have a problem being on stage or nothing like that, that it just didn't bother me. And so I did see an ad and, um, she, we just like, you know, it was just an instant click, I guess, and I think I've been probably her oldest client, so to speak, which, and so the words I remember were there is room for everyone.

Speaker 2:

And you know, I just that, just I don't know it just brought tears to my eyes actually, because I thought this is what I love, like no one is excluded and they still aren't.

Speaker 2:

I thought this is what I love, like no one is excluded and they still aren't, and and that is something that when I go somewhere or something I like to see that as well, that there is room for everyone. So it doesn't matter, you know, what race or your body size or you know whatever, it doesn't matter. And and that is what I love, and you know I will say I have gone to a lot of like photo shoots and I've been in like a couple of years ago there was like the women's world show here, and I know you're in a different province than we are, but you know there's been trade shows that I've been on the runway for, or fundraisers and so forth and so on and so and of course I'm pretty well the oldest and we're going to call it a level. I've seen other people call their ages, not how old it's. You know you're level 50 or level 60 or something.

Speaker 1:

And I love that. I love it too. That's great, it's fantastic.

Speaker 2:

And it, it just does not bother me and because everyone is so welcoming, like there's 20 year olds and there's, you know, 40 year old. You know a lot of them, of course, you know, are in the younger genre, but it is just just wonderful and and no one is. You know, oh, what are you doing here? Or you know, why are you here? And you know everyone has a place and we, we all work together, and so that's been my experience and I just love that. Like this last weekend I was in a and I'm so I'm this summer or this year actually, I've been in a lot of films, commercials, and so I was one in just this last weekend. So it was on a small town, I was going to be in a little church and of course I was like totally in love with that. And I was like totally in love with that and I was going to be part of the town, folk and um and stuff, and you know, and I hadn't met anyone yet, I knew like who the director was and everybody was is just so welcoming, and suddenly they were like oh, you're part of the choir and uh, so you're going to be up on on on the front and you're going to be filmed, and so I was like, oh my god, I'm so excited to be part of the choir. And I was like, oh my god, I'm so. And so this is where you know the confidence level as well. Right, you're not going to be like, oh, I can't do that, or you know I can't. I'm looking at it where, oh, wow, I get to do that as well. You know, I got to do that, as that was another thing, an unexpected thing, and that's often in in this film and modeling, acting and stuff. There is a lot of unexpected sometimes, but I'm really growing with it and I'm really starting to love it, because I am a um, a schedule person, like I like that part too, but I'm really liking. Sometimes, you know, oh, we're gonna just do that, we're gonna do that, and uh.

Speaker 2:

And then I guess another thing was is where they had like costumes and stuff and this is just one example for us to wear, and so, of course, they were a lot smaller size and I wasn't the only one where they didn't fit, but so they just pinned it in the back and or they put a shawl over and, and so nor, maybe years ago, I would have been like oh my gosh, my, I'm so fat, or I'm still this, or I'm not good enough, and and I, I just went with it and I'm like, oh, this is how it is, and no one's going to see that and it's wonderful to be here, and and the people I was with, and and and no one, even like, no one says like hey, it's pinned, it's not.

Speaker 1:

I love that, I just love that. So, lois, can I ask you how, like do you have an agent? How do you get these positions, or are you just in the know, or how do you do that?

Speaker 2:

Well, I will tell you that I should probably be the one you know shooing to people because I'm, if you ever need anything, researched or to know about something like I'm your girl, because I I will like.

Speaker 2:

I will admit I'm on the computer a lot, or on my phone, which is my computer, but I'm, I'm, I feel I'm working and I'm connecting and I'm I'm always meeting people or I'm answering, you know, and suddenly there's and you know how it goes, it's maybe only on stories, so that means it's only available for like 20 some hours, and so if you can see things right away and answer within the day, I always feel that is a better procedure, you know a better policy to go with right, and so, yeah, and also, each time I'm at one of these, you know film sets or modeling, or I'm meeting all kinds of people like who will tell me and you know we'll chat, and they'll say, oh, this is, you know, this is another website or this is another thing you can sign up to, or it's, it's amazing, it's, it's really amazing and uh.

Speaker 2:

So I've been part of a couple smaller films and and some of them are not paid, I'm volunteering and which is totally fine, and I've also been a part of. There's uh three this year so far that, um, like they will be out year, but one will be on a on a network like on TV, and another one actually based out of New Zealand and it was shot in Regina. It's incredible.

Speaker 1:

That is incredible. Well, good for you. What I really love about you, lois, is that you talk about your nine to five and I basically was watching TV, scrolling the internet, not really living life, and I think so many of us do that. And also, as we get older, I think we think, well, what could we do? You know, oh, I'm older now, what could I possibly do? Oh, I couldn't model, I couldn't do TV, I couldn't. You know, oh, I'm older now, what could I possibly do? Oh, I couldn't model, I couldn't do TV, I couldn't, you know, end up in film or write a book or any of that. And and you're here to say absolutely yes, you can.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, you are so right, you are so right. And and of course, uh, as some of the viewers know, that I've also, you've been so generous and I like, three times this year I've been a co-author with you three times. I mean, that is even more than I can fathom. Like this, what I guess, what I about that is. There's a saying, I think, whether you think you can or you can't, either way you're right, absolutely, and oh're right.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, oh my goodness, absolutely yes, and you know I'm not trying to say you know that I have that perfect life and that I'm thinking. You know that positivity you know 24-7. Because you know, other things come into my thought process too. And another thing I will say for me is and this might sound super weird to some, but and I'm and I'm no expert on this, but this has been my experience is like my food choices and the energy level of what some of them will give me or what they will take away. And also, for me, is your thought, my thought process, like it. It is really, you know, like robbing. You know some of my and that would be time and and and again, you're going to go through those. I'm not good enough, I can't do this. You know what am I going to write about and who's going to want me and, um, you know I couldn't sign up for that, and and uh, I think it's.

Speaker 1:

And I you know the diet and that kind of thing. Of course, as we get older, I'm even finding myself, you know, I uh, there's certain foods I can't eat if my energy level has certainly dropped. But I think as we get older, self-care becomes more important right, I like the word self-care.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely and yes, absolutely. And I mean like we all know it, we just don't know the timing. But let's, and I will say, that is I really and I still have to work on it today because I am more often a planner is a little tougher than you know like it is harder, like to live in the moment, right, sometimes, and it's nice to, you know, look ahead and plan and stuff like that. And so, yeah, I have to, I have to find my own balance as well, so it's not like a perfect world or anything out there as well.

Speaker 1:

For sure, and I think you know, we all live in the real world and we're all going to have real world problems. And we're going to the real world and we're all going to have real world problems and we're going to have conflicts and we're going to have issues with this and that, and you're absolutely right, there's nothing perfect. But but I think too, because I can relate to you, I had a government job years ago and and I remember I looked around the room and I thought I don't want to be here in 20 years, like I don't want to put in 20 years of my life here, and so then I started searching for something, that something fulfilling for me. And so you know, and there's nothing wrong with having a career for that long I ended up in a career where I was there for 34 years and I retired from that this year, so there's nothing wrong with that. But you got to be happy. You can't be in your 20 year or 10 year like life's too short if you're.

Speaker 1:

And and then and then even for me, like when I was this, my whole all of this has been I've been planning since 2016. Because I knew I was eventually going to retire and I don't want to stop doing. I want to have fun and meet awesome people like you and just you know, and it just and my what I'm doing now, which is Women Like Me. It just evolved.

Speaker 2:

It does it, does it, does you know what? Because that is how it is actually going, because I, you know, I try to connect, like every day, with people, and you know, that are in my world, so to speak. Right, and so you know you do that and you're going to, you know you're going to feel better and you're just going to want to do those kind of things, and then suddenly there's nothing on my horizon. I'm like, oh, ok, you know whatever. And then suddenly you know you're getting another email and you know, and there's opportunities again and stuff like that. So I did not know.

Speaker 2:

This is how naive I probably am in a lot of areas too. I'm sure a lot of people know Coco Rocha, like she's, she's one of the top models, like in the world. I think, well, I saw a post from another person and, yeah, yes, definitely, she's a top model. And I would have thought, well, I don't know if she'll see this someday or not, she was probably maybe as old as I was or a little younger. She seems to be maybe in her 30s or so, but anyway, she holds a modeling camp and you can either do it in person or do it online, and so next year. I have a bunch of things that I definitely want to go. I've emailed them and made the connection Again. They're assuring me this is for all ages and you know, quite frankly, I wouldn't even care. You know, I'm the oldest one, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh, exactly. Oh well, I hope that you do that. That sounds amazing, yeah, and it helps you to level up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, totally, totally, Because she would just. I mean, I'm not putting her, you know, as, oh, I don't know as my idol or anything, but I mean she's just one person right, like there's plenty out there that will do things for like I mean, you have to still do the work, Like no one's going to do it for you, but you can learn, you can learn from these places, and I mean I went to learning from those people because they've done it.

Speaker 1:

They've done it.

Speaker 2:

I guess that's what I like as well is to to get mentorship from, from those types of folks that that have actually lived it and done it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, definitely, yeah bit, but I want to. I just want to let everybody know that, as you said, lois, she Lois has been in a few of the women like me books, and I just want to say that she wrote in dreams that speak, the power of women's dreams, which we just launched on the weekend, and we were number one in the dreams and mental health category and we ended up in number three in dreams category. So Lois is a best-selling author as well. I just want to put that out there for her. And the other thing I would like to mention is that she wrote a chapter of her life in a chapter book.

Speaker 1:

This one is Transforming Pain into Wisdom and Love, and she is in the first chapter and I love her title. I will wait create your own unique vision to emerge as a queen. I love it as a queen, I just love it. So you know, not only did, are you doing modeling, and you you're. You know you got yourself in some films and some commercials, but you're also writing books. I mean, you are, you're just like. It's like you're on a rocket ship and you're just zooming oh you, you are just a gem.

Speaker 2:

I mean that the writing part, um, has probably been a part of me for some time. I I've done, you know, a few little little things and and back in high school, you know, uh, we didn't have internet and so forth, but we had like a little newspaper and I was in charge of that. So if I think back to some of those little things, right, uh, I wasn't, I wasn't tuning in as properly as I know how to do now, like to the universe, you know, and something, something is out there and nudging at me and, uh, but if I think about that now, and even, you know, back in my day, we had, you know, the Sears and the Edens catalogs and I wouldn't order a darn thing, but, man, I could not wait, and it would be around this time that the winter ones would come out, or summer, I don't even know, um, but we, and you know I would, I would just sit there for hours and and look at the fashions and and look at the colors and, and you know so. So when I'm thinking about that, you know, back when you know I was even 8, 10, 15, you know like a young person, yeah, somewhere in there it was nudging at me, you know, like that that was maybe going to, you know, become part of my life someday. To, you know, become part of my life someday.

Speaker 2:

And the other beauty about even by being an author, modeling or acting, being in films, commercials is you can write about yourself. But you can also write, you know, about. You know a little bit, you know about how things have gone, but also, like acting or modeling, sometimes you get to be someone you normally aren't like. You know, when you actually look at me on an everyday basis, I'm in my gardening clothes or you know, um, I'm not wearing you know what you would on the runway. You know that that type of stuff like 24 7 and that's what I love. I love all the, the variations of of it. You know of that life Because maybe because I was doing that nine to five, you know, and I have a flexible time now, so it just all fits together really well.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I just love it. I just love it. You're really an inspiration to women, especially ladies, who are at the age or at that stage of retirement not sure what to do, or worse, the kids have left the nest, now what do I do? You know those kinds of things and people can get stuck and I always, you know, I always see people that are stuck and I think it's so sad because you're living the same month over and over, the same year over and over the same five years over and over, and there really is so much more out there.

Speaker 1:

But we we have to have the confidence, the courage to step out of our shells and go for it. And and part of that is is what you said, because I'm sure in the beginning you were, you were uneasy.

Speaker 2:

I, and you know, sometimes I'm, I'm learning each time that I'm being called for, whatever it is you know, oh yeah, they wanted that I should have brought that, you know, or, or this is going to change, or. And I guess the other thing is the most important I'm, I think, is the belief. Can you believe it? Can you believe it that I can do this? Can you believe it that I can say those lines, or that I can act this way, or that I, I can do this, you know, and if you can convince that other person that you are that best person, you're going to convince yourself and and you know, and you're just you're, it's just going to evolve, like you say, into so many things that that you weren't maybe even aware of, that you're really even like you know, what I love about us ladies, as we get on in years, is that we have all.

Speaker 1:

We have stuff there. Maybe we don't realize it, but we have stuff there. I know, when I was years ago, I was doing a lot of public speaking and I had to stop because my finances were tough. I was a single mom and I thought, you know, I gotta do. I can't continue to do everything because I'm not doing anything. Right. Put my dream aside to earn a living to support my kids, and that's fine. But I always knew in the back of my head I'm going to pick that up again, I'll pick that up, I'm not going to leave it. I'm not going to leave it.

Speaker 1:

And so how many of us have those Something there that is just waiting for us to grab it and run with it again? And at a time when we don't have so many constraints on us in terms of our time, that kind of thing Like we have the freedom to do the things that maybe we didn't have the freedom to do when we were younger because we were raising families and had to earn a living to you know, or whatever it was. I think it's just. I just want everybody to know that, and that's why one of the reasons I just wanted you to come on, because I think that you're such an inspiration.

Speaker 2:

You're totally right on. That is where I think now, like it's our time, you know, like I mean, it's okay to be a little selfish, you know, with your time, because to go and do whatever it is that you love, like you know, if there was a nudge on, I don't know, whatever that that that you think you might like. Also, what for me is I always thought, and maybe others too oh my gosh, I'm working my nine to five and that is going to be forever, you know, until you're you know 70 or whatever, right, and no, it doesn't have to be. Let's just say I, I didn't want to do you know some of these things, you know tomorrow or something, it's okay, maybe you know I'm going to pick up something else and and so you don't have to feel like you're a failure, like you know, you can try this and and it's okay to say you know that wasn't for me, and and so that's another thing that, for me anyway as well, is where you will get to know yourself what you like, what you're going to say yes to, what you're going to say no to, and and maybe you know, and you're going to go from there and it'll be, I think it'll be more rewarding and your life, I don't know, for me anyway, you will just, I don't know you you just will connect to people, or even connect with yourself, and you won't mind.

Speaker 2:

You know, when I'm doing a road trip, let's say I rarely well, every once in a while, but I often just have it quiet because I just want to see the sunrise or the sunset, or like the other night I was coming home and and you know, I could just see from horizon to horizon. It was like in our prairies and it was, it was just absolutely magical. And you know, I grew up in the country, but of course I'm not not, um, not in the country, now I'm in the city and so you know, those those types of treasure moments, uh, you know, is like just take them and and, uh, just hold, hold on to them because it is so precious, it really is.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, lois. I just feel that I know there's going to be some ladies out there that are going to hear this and they're going to be inspired by you to step up and take that next phase. You know we're not you. You know, it's just a phase of life, that a different phase we go into, and yeah and um, and what do you want to do with that phase? And and think of all your, all your gifts and and everything from from childhood till now, and what can you take from that? And you know, and the internet is so amazing because you can reach so many people, you can sell things online, so many, so many beautiful things and, just like you, research and connect out with people, uh yeah, and actually like with my photography, like make greeting cards and postcards and that kind of thing, and I have them, like in a few shops in the province.

Speaker 2:

And you know, of course, when I kind of started that I'm like, oh, I'm going to get everywhere. It doesn't work that way, you know, it's a step-by-step process and once you have it in one place and then you can say, oh, I've got it in there, and then the next place will trust you know what you're doing, or you know that your work is good enough, and things like that. And the same goes, you know, with anything else, because I do voiceover, I do voiceover ads for a local radio station here, and with almost anything like if and that's, I guess, another thing you can gauge how far you want to go, if only want to do it. You know, whatever it is that you really love to do or that you want to try, and that's the beauty that I like as well. And I may not sign up for everything that I see out there, because maybe it's too far away or it just doesn't fit into my schedule, or in the end it's kind of like, you know, maybe just not worth my time because I'm waiting on something else or whatever. So there's that time balance as well. And the stuff. The internet is certainly our friend if you like it, and I do I'm. I love computers and I love, you know, seeing what's out there and connecting.

Speaker 2:

I've always I've heard this line where my body is my business, meaning not you know, like, oh, it's my business, but it's kind of like your business, like where you know like oh, it's my business, but it's kind of like your business, like where you know what do you want to do out there and you know with, with, you know how do you feel, like right, you know, like self care and so forth, like so there's, there's a lot to it and it shows right it it you know whether you, you know what kind of foods you eat sometimes and so forth.

Speaker 2:

I mean it will show in your skin and in your demeanor and and how you're acting and and you know there's just a lot to it. But there's a lot of things out there and and try it now and and uh, even writing, and you've been so generous where you will even you know, I mean I did a poetry this last time and I want to get more into that, and last time the other book was, and you have such a variety of chances for us to be involved, and so if anyone has a problem, you know what, what to write, and so you're mentoring people, like helping, helping them, and so that is another thing, like if anyone has like anything at all the way that you, you know, support, support, women I that is just a start already right there, if anyone has anything that they want to start with, I think.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, oh well, thank you, that's my, my goal. My goal is to help and stop generational trauma and and help women get their stories out and and and help lift them up however I can. Yeah, and that's uh, that's the direction I went and and I'm I feel it, I know I'm on my right path and and and. I'm happy that that I'm doing something, not just sitting in front of my television set, and you know living out my days that way.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I hope for everybody out there. I hope that we've been able to encourage them and that they will be able to step out of their fear or their shells, and if anybody wants to reach out to Lois, or if somebody wants to reach out to me, we're all happy to chat with you and give you a helping hand along the way as well. Lois, in closing, do you want to give what's your number one piece of advice that you would like to give anybody that's sitting and listening to us right now?

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, number one, wow Is, I think, the the belief, you know that that I can do it is which will bring you the confidence level. Is will which will bring you the confidence level and when you believe you can. One of the first books that I read was by um Shatki, dwayne Dwayne, and I think she's passed on now and I don't even I don't remember her, um, but it was a lot of I am statements. You know, I am worthy, I am, I am good enough, I am, you know, and, and that's what got me into more of that positive thinking.

Speaker 2:

And so I feel, once you get into that realm, it's like the universe will just listen to you, whatever the universe says to you, and you need to listen to it, right, because there are opportunities out there that are knocking and sometimes we just don't see it, or whatever. And take five or ten minutes every single day, quiet time, whatever you want to do, whether you want to lie down or sit there or go for a drive or whatever, because I do that every single day. I have to, because I have to refocus my thoughts Absolutely and just you know, okay, what's going to be my next step, or maybe I had a quick decision I needed to make, you know. So I need just a quiet time just to focus on whatever that is, or focus on nothing, you know, just kind of rejuvenate, right, and there's, there's no selfishness about that, like it's. It's that self-care and you deserve that. So, yeah, we're, we're deserving of that all.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love it and I love the I am statements, I'm, I love affirmations and and I use them myself all the time. When I was fixing myself, when, years ago, when I was not super positive and my self-esteem was down, I had statements everywhere because it's because you need to change your mindset and you're not going to change it without feeding it with good stuff, so that you can switch the bad stuff to the good stuff and the more good you put in it just there, put in. There's only so much room in there. The bad stuff's got to go out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So right, and you've got to have it in your face all the time. Yes, yes, I find, anyway, because reading maybe a chapter of you know some positive, you know whatever, whatever it is, you know something that that will lighten you up, or something that you're learning, or you know something. And because you know, because we need to always remind ourselves, because we can be our own worst critic and no one even has to tell us that we're not good enough, we will just think it ourselves. And so we've got to always, you know and I find too, for me, is where sometimes I have, I have not had anyone and I still don't.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you know like, hey, you're doing a good job, or yeah, you should go for that. A lot of it is on my own and I don't mind that. I've been an independent person since I was a teenager, and so you can get used to that and that's okay. It's actually okay because in the end, that's what you've got is yourself. You know like, yes, you, you've got to do it yourself, and and I mean that's all any of us have got at the end of the day is ourselves what a gift, right.

Speaker 2:

But like we're all treasures, like we're all wonderful, so I mean we shouldn't feel bad about it at all. Like I mean we, we, you know, we, we feel good about it, I think, yes, wow.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, Lois. Thank you so much, Fab you, Lois. Thank you very much for being here. I appreciate it, and thank you all for either watching on YouTube or listening wherever you listen to your podcast. We appreciate it and we will see you again soon.